On July 9th, 2019, Hujjat-al-Islam Seyed Soleyman Zaker, the representative of the County of Urumia in the Iranian Parliament, visited the Iranian Anti-Tobacco Association (IATA) and became acquainted with the activities of this NGO.
While describing the activities of the NGO, the Executive Director and the Parliamentary Representative of IATA called for the monitoring of the implementation of the Comprehensive National Tobacco Control Law. They said that tobacco taxes in most countries are up to 75 percent of the retail price, but the minimum legal increase in tobacco taxes is not embraced in Iran.
Hujjat-al-Islam Zaker, while advocating for the benevolent goals of the NGO, announced the readiness of the Parliament to cooperate with IATA and promised to use his full power to prevent the adoption of inquiry on the removal of the name of hookah lounges from the list of public places.