In a meeting with Jamkaran Welfare Organization, officials of the Jamkaran branch of the Iranian Anti-Tobacco Association in Qom province supported anti-smoking education for children and adolescents in cooperation with this organization.
Held in March 2021, this meeting was attended by some of the members of this non-governmental organization and some members of the Welfare Organization of Jamkaran. In this meeting, it was decided that with the cooperation of Ms. Shohani and Ms. Jamshidi, a series of educational classes would be held in the health sector to control and reduce smoking among children, adolescents, and young people.
Childhood is the best age for health-oriented education aimed at controlling social harm such as smoking. In these training classes, children and adolescents, in addition to learning the dangers of tobacco smoking, learn how to say ‘no!’ in high-risk situations. Children and adolescents will be able to protect themselves against social harm through these skills and self-care techniques.
In this training course, Ms. Shohani spoke about the types of tobacco smoke, the types of tobacco-induced diseases, and the destructive effects of cigarette filters on the environment. In the end, she explained the dangers of smoking visually and in childish language by distributing coloring sheets and holding a painting class. The main goal of this course was to raise the awareness of the participants about the dangers of smoking, which was properly accomplished by the coaches.