In the meeting of the board of trustees which held on September 6, at IATA’s conference room, Mr. Lolachian by emphasizing the role of education, said: ministry of education should take an active role to prepare a lively generation with physical and cultural health for the society.
He mentioned that it’s necessary to find the root of corruption in the education of the teenagers, and the ministry of education should act more seriously on building a positive culture in schools and decreasing social harms.
He said that the ministry of education should come forward itself and asks for implementing programs like PAD (Prevention against Tobacco Dependence, Path to Tobacco Free City) nationwide and it’s necessary to have regular meetings with them to decrease social harms and fight against smoking in the society.
Afterward, Gholamali Afrooz referred to the implementation of PAD program in all the schools of Varamin, and said that we need the full support of the ministry of education for the implementation of PAD and it’s necessary to hold in-service training for the teachers. He said that in an educational environment like school, it’s necessary to pay attention to cultural issues too, and when a student faces with emotional and family tensions, their teachers should support them and keep them from social harms like smoking and substance abuse. He mentioned that smoking is the gateway to drug abuse and it’s been proven with statistics, so for preventing substance abuse, we should prevent smoking, and it should be done in our schools.
Then, Dr. Tabaraeiyan highlighted the role of parliamentarians in preventing the bill for excluding teahouses from public places, and also the importance of Friday prayers’ tribune for increasing public awareness about smoking and especially hookah.
Afterward, Hujjat-al-Islam Sayyah after appreciating the activities done by IATA, suggested that creating a group of clergymen and religious missionaries, would be beneficial for fighting against smoking and especially hookah. He stated that the organization of broadcasting as the national media must involve the different levels of audiences by making movies, animations, documentaries, and other types of programs.