Activities of PAD-helpers to achieve a tobacco-free city in Varamin

The coordination meeting for the new stage of PAD (Prevention against Tobacco Dependence, Path to Tobacco Free City) was held in Varamin County on October 21, 2019.
In this meeting, the secretary-general of IATA acknowledged the sense of accountability in authorities of the education system in Varamin and emphasized the significant role of teachers and school staff in the prevention of tobacco consumption.
Dr. Mohammad Reza Masjedi explained that at the beginning, some authorities did not believe that PAD would be a successful project but now that we are expanding this plan from schools to the neighborhoods, they welcomed this project warmly and they want to introduce this project to other countries.
He said that we were working on this project for more than 12 years and if we are successful, it’s because of your help and supports. Surely it takes time to see the results of this project, and it will not possible unless through synergies coming from a collaboration between all the parties and stakeholders, but the good news is that the final result of this project is the reduction of tobacco consumption between students of Varamin.
Dr. Masjedi also explained that Tobacco Control Research Center (TCRC) monitors this project constantly through scientific methodology and documented the results up to now and it is accessible for anyone who asks for it.