Holding #I_wear_mask campaign

This campaign was held in the summer of this year, frorn July to the end of August, in ten prograrns and ten neighborhoods of Varamin city by the PAD executive team and active male and female PAD-helpers with the coordination of the Varamin Anti-tobacco association, Vararnin branch. In this campaign, various people, such as pedestrians, merchants, and drivers who did not wear masks in public places were awarded masks by this NGO. The donation of these rnasks was accompanied by training regarding the disinfection of used masks, as well as providing brochures on the dangers of tobacco smoking to people with the slogan ‘No to tobacco! No to coronavirus!’ The campaign was aimed at informing about the dangers of tobacco smoking and its relationship with covid-19 disease and raising public awareness, as well as introducing the NGO to the people of the city. Noteworthy, this campaign continued with the cooperation of active PAD-Helpers in October and still continues, while the executive team of the Varamin branch, affiliated to the Iranian Ant-Tobacco Association, thanked the PAD-Helpers in a ceremony.